Brainwave Entertainment: Starting a Discussion Regarding Binaural Beats

By Anthegone

Since discovering binaural beats and their usefulness I’ve been listening to tracks online as well as experimenting with my own. In the short span of a month, binaural beats with meditation have addressed the following areas I wanted to improve upon.

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Anger
  • Insomnia
  • Happiness

These issues can lead to poor mental and physical health. Although I am not a healthcare professional I have seen and felt the impact of not getting enough sleep. I was moody, depressed, and generally not a wonderful person. Coffee barely got me through the mornings and alcohol would be my method of choice in the evenings. I’m not saying a glass of beer per day will kill you or deeply impact your life. If you want to drink by all means do so, just don’t try to drink all you can and still expect to behave normally.

Therapy can be beneficial and if you have the option to speak with someone either a friend, relative or professional I highly recommend doing so. Although sometimes you may just want some alone time to gather your thoughts and relax. This is why you may want to give binaural beats a try.

To begin listening to binaural beats you will need a recorded track containing binaural beats, and a way to listen to them with headphones such as a mp3 player, smartphone or tablet. You should not perform any tasks such as operating machinery while listening to binaural beats. Find a nice quiet place in your home and either sit or lie down while listening. You can close your eyes or keep them open and focus on your breathing at first to calm down and then later set your sights on what you wish to accomplish.

Binaural beats therapy is not a new idea. The science behind it is relatively simple. A frequency is played in one ear and a totally different frequency in another. You will hear a noise, music, sounds (depending on what type of track is playing) but your brain will interpret the binaural beat comprised of the difference between the left and right ear frequencies.

An example would be a sine wave of 200 Hz played in one ear and a 190 Hz played in the other resulting in a 195 Hz carrier frequency with a 5 Hz binaural beat interpreted by your brain. If the listener can relax and enjoy this track for no less than 8 minutes to 1 hour continuously, the following positive effects could be noticed.

  • Relaxation
  • Drowsiness
  • Pain relief
  • Increase in endorphins
  • Possible increase in problem-solving abilities

There are many combinations of carrier and binaural beat frequencies. Depending on the intended effect you may experiment with several different combinations either within the same track or multiple tracks/sessions. Like any therapy, you cannot just try it once and dismiss it or maybe use it once a week or month for it to be effective. I suggest finding a peaceful track and if it is shorter than 30 minutes try looping the track until 30 minutes has elapsed. Listen to this track for 30 minutes or one session a day for 14 days. If the track does not improve the condition(s) for which you were seeking to improve you may want to try another track.

From time to time I will be posting YouTube and SoundCloud tracks for free to see if they may benefit the general public. Each track in its description will include, carrier frequencies, binaural beats, and all other relevant information. This way you can decide if this track is right for you. I look forward to continuing this discussion so if you have any questions or comment I’d love to hear from you. You may comment here or visit/follow me on SoundCloud, Twitter, and YouTube.


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